Monday, March 22, 2010


Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide (ACCESS) was created by Governor Bob Riley and his task force on distance learning. The goal is to promote equal educational opportunities for all students. In order to meet the goal, classroom courses and teachers are provided through technology. Equal access will be provided through high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning. It is really awesome because students can receive the highest quality education, no matter what school the student attends. The classes are taken online during regular school hours. The student is able to work at their own pace and has the opportunity to repeat a lesson if they are struggling. The student can take higher level classes that are not offered at all schools. It really gives the students who do not have the opportunity to take AP classes the equal chance at an education they deserve.

I think that ACCESS is a giant step to an equal education for every student. Technology is increasing so much it does not matter if you attend a lower class school. Every student is offered the same opportunity to take classes that interest them. I know this tool will be very useful in the classroom. It will be helpful to the student as well as the teacher. Providing an equal educational experience for every student will open doors for students in urban areas who do not experience AP classes in their school. I know ACCESS will be a huge site in the schools in the future.

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