Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is not okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher. If you are a technologically illiterate teacher then you are doing an injustice to all the students that you are teaching. In my opinion you must be able to relate to someone to be able to teach them well if you have no idea of how to even get on the internet then how are you going to teach a student who spends a minimum of 2 hours a day on the internet. If you don't know what a social networking site is and all of your students have a Facebook or Myspace page or both how can you begin to get the message you are trying to teach. I can only imagine if my teachers in high school would have used technology in their teaching maybe I would have done a little bit better in those classes. I went and sat in on a 9th grade English class here in Mobile county and the teacher was using a type of "Smart Board" and the students were taking a quiz on run-on sentences and the whole class had a remote and they took the quiz all together they would answer the questions and then go over them right then to me that seemed like a great way to learn. I think that every teacher young or old should have to be somewhat technologically literate if not then find a new profession.

1 comment:

  1. Technologically illiterate teachers should be embarrassed. How can they "teach" children if they are not willing to learn themselves? A teacher should be a life long learner in order to successfully teach their students!
